Nerve Stimulator for RLS/PLMD
This new study looks at nerve stimulation to treat leg jerks while asleep. The approach is quite novel and already demonstrated some success in other research. The idea is this simple: fake out the brain to think the leg is moving, which in turn prevents the leg from moving. Got it?
Okay, it’s not exactly this simple, but close. If you look at the diagram, you see the nerve stimulator device is attached on the lower leg, the most common site from which restless leg feelings emanate. When someone experiences RLS, they get up and walk around to make the restless feelings go away.
Thus, the nerve stimulator creates some muscle activity in the lower leg (without you getting up to walk around), and this activity appears to be sufficient to produce the same effect as if you had gotten up to walk around.
The main research focus right now appears to be finding a balance between stimulation high enough to thwart the legs from moving but not so high as to wake you from sleeping.