New Hong Kong Study on Nightmare Prevalence
A new study from Hong Kong, looked at the problem of chronic nightmares in young adults. The gist of the research demonstrated 16% of respondents suffered from regular nightmares (once per week or greater), and the frequency of nightmares was directly associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms, PTSD, depression disorders, and generalized anxiety disorders.
While the findings show the same results that always appear in nightmare prevalence studies, namely, a high correlation between disturbing dreams and mental health symptoms, the researchers pointed out the prevalence was notably higher than other studies, possibly due to considerable turmoil in the area from either COVID or political upheaval.
The only unusual comment was the sole focus on using nightmare assessment as a key strategy to open a path to exploring mental health distress. As much as we’ve always supported this use, I was surprised there was no mention of all the incredible therapeutic options available to treat bad dreams, six of which I describe in great detail in my new book,
Even though 4 years old, this 2019 paper is the most authoritative work on the various non-drug options for nightmares treatment.